Dallas Drone : Rise Above The Rest
Gretchen Mikulich: Hello, this is Gretchen Mikulich.
Thomas Crosson: This is Thomas Crosson with fullpackagemedia.com, to find out more you can visit us at fullpackagemedia.com or give us a call at 972-885-8823.
Gretchen: Today, we’re here to talk to you about the Dallas drone services that we offer. We offer a wide variety of services that range from video to photography and everything between.
Thomas: That’s right. We do photography, and videography, and property websites, and different marketing options for our realtors and our clients, other commercial clients too. But, really, a premier Dallas drone operator in the greater DFW area and really beyond that too. Any job, if the price is right and the size of the project is big enough, we’ll travel. We’re looking at going to Cozumel and some other international places pretty soon to do some projects for some of our local realtors that have projects down there.
Gretchen: Right, and today we’re specifically going to talk to you about our drone videos that we offer. Part of being a leader in the Dallas drone industry shows that we have the ability to, not only offer great videos shot with top-of-the-line equipment, the best drones in the industry, but we also offer awesome post production services. Our videos are shot with, again like I said, the greatest drones and then our post production team has amazing talent.
This really sets us apart from your standard Joe Schmo that went to the drone store and bought a drone or ordered on Amazon. Joe doesn’t have the capabilities to take your video and splice it exactly how you want it, and add in the music, and add in the different effects that we can offer.
Thomas: Yes, that’s totally true. I’ve seen videos that realtors have sent me and said, “You know, I don’t know about doing a drone video. Here, let me send you the last one that I got done. I’ll let you take a look at it and see what you think and how you all can do better.” I’ve seen, literally, videos that they hit record when they’re on the ground and they take off and they fly around and they hit stop when they land and they upload it to YouTube and they call that a drone video or a marketing video.
That’s not really what a good Dallas drone video is all about. We really do above and beyond that. We take multiple clips and splice them together and a lot of heavy post production work, and colour grading and stuff like that for videos. We add some background music and make it really more of a production than just a quick, home- made video.
Gretchen: Let’s talk about the first aspect in the Dallas drone industry. The first thing you want to do is get a shot list put together. We’re willing to work with customers to get us custom they want to. We have a lot of different variety of clients ranging from real estate to billboard owners, they want a shot of their billboard. So, we work with our customers to create a customised shot list that will feature their subject exactly how they want it and really emphasize the characteristics of the home or of the office that they want to show.
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Thomas: Yes,exactly, That depends on the clients. Some clients leave it up to us and say, “Hey, you’re the Dallas drone operator, Dallas drone pilot. No, you go do your thing and see what you can come up with,” and we have other clients that say, “No, I want this shot of this and I want this shot of this and are very particular. We are doing some realtor branding and promotional videos.”
One of our clients literally has every single shot of every address within the city where they want the shot and, you know, super detailed. That’s not something necessarily we need. It’s helpful for us so that we really understand what you want from us as a client and then we can go out and get those shots and deliver a great final product.
Gretchen: Absolutely, and it’s one thing to list out the shots but it’s another thing to actually get out there and get the composition of the shots and that’s kind of the second element to our drone videos. Our pilots are skilled, not only in flying, but they are also skilled in identifying what flight patterns and what shots are going to produce what the realtor wants in their shot list.
Thomas: That’s a huge thing. Like I said, either way we can do it, it doesn’t matter. If you want to provide us a shot list or you want us to go do that, at the end of the day, we’re the Dallas drone operators so it’s up to us to provide you with great media. Gretchen, what are some of the different venues or different people that might look to us for a Dallas drone video.
Gretchen: We’ve worked with a number of clients ranging from wedding venues to golf courses to billboard owners to ranchers, just a number of companies that want to work with us and just want drone videos. We’ve worked with people who just want a drone video of their home just to have. Our main client, our realtors, those are the ones where it really adds value and ups their sales and ups their brand. They’re getting more listings because they’re seen as a top producer, top marketer. We’ve worked with a wide variety of folks.
Thomas: Then we also do a bunch of commercial clients, golf courses, wedding venues, multi-family apartment complexes and hotels and, really, you name it. If it can be flown we do it, as long as it’s not too close to a major airport.
Gretchen: We’ve worked with a number of industries and it’s great. We love it, our customers love it, we have gotten plenty of referrals. Most of the work we do is based off referrals which allows the product to speak for itself. Like Thomas was saying earlier, Joe Schmo off the street can go buy a drone and start shooting some video, but Joe Schmo does not have the artistic ability to identify what shots they need to really portray the subject that they want to show. Joe Schmo doesn’t have a team of editors behind them to make it happen in post production.
Thomas: Along those lines, a lot of thing we hear from agents is that they’ve used someone before to do a drone video or even photo services too sometimes and they say, “Man, I’ve seen samples. It looks like they do great work but he came back from a shoot before Christmas and, it’s a month later and I still don’t have the final product.” That’s just crazy. That’s such a long turnaround time. By having a full post production team to do all that work, then we’re able to have our pilots and File name: Episode 7 Full Package Media 1.28.17 Dallas Drone_mixdown.mp3
photographers doing shoots and we’re able to have our editing team continually editing and able to meet super fast and strenuous turnaround times.
For photos, it’s all next day, for video, within 72 hours even though it’s typically quicker than that. Then for all of our commercial stuff, depending on the shoot and what exactly is being done, that can range from either a day or two to max, about a week, it’s the longest we’ve ever taken to turn a video around. That’s with a voiceover and a bunch of different clips and on-screen personalities speaking and professional audio and voiceover with music and all that mixed in. Really on a different level than just what we normally do for our normal properties.
Gretchen: Right, and we get some skepticism. We understand that Dallas drone videos are a new thing and a lot of realtors are kind of like, ” I don’t know if I want this, I’m not sure if it’s really going to benefit me.” So, just as a courtesy, all of our real estate agents get half off their first shoot.
Thomas: Yes, that’s right. The way our pricing works is, our goal is to give everyone at fullpackagemedia.com, we want to give you a really good chance to see what we can do. We want you to do that at a great price. Really, your first full package shoot for your real estate property starts, a typical price is $300, but 50% off, $150. That’s cheaper that some companies out there charge for just photography. It’s really a different level and a great price.
Gretchen: Yes, and like I said, we’ve had so many referrals, it’s just amazing how much we’ve grown. We really believe that it’s because we offer that full package experience.
Thomas: Yes, fullpackagemedia.com, we refer our clients to others as well too. Given the industry, we meet people that need realtors. Maybe they need a golf course or something like that, that they want to go play at. It’s kind of a two-way street but we, of course, love referrals and constantly get them, and like Gretchen said, that really speaks to our quality and professionalism.
Our quality that we provide in a video for a $300,000 home versus a $15 million home, really and truly, it’s the same quality. There might be more features in the more expensive one, like voiceover or something like that, but it’s definitely the quality and the level of production really is about the same.
Gretchen: Right, so in conclusion here, just remember when you’re searching for Dallas drone services, check out Full Package Media because we offer better quality product. Our services are much more professionally shot and done by our pilots that are certified by the FAA and we’re leaders. Check us out on fullpackagemedia.com or give us a call at 972-885-8823.
[00:10:12] [END OF AUDIO]
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