Dallas Drone : Drones, Staging, and more!
Gretchen: This is Gretchen Mikulich.
Thomas: And this is Thomas Crosson with Full Package Media, you can find us online if you’d like after this episode.To find out more at fullpackagemedia.com or give us a call at 972-885-8823.
Gretchen : Today we’re going to talk about all the different things Full Package Media has to offer specifically around our shoots for service program.
Thomas: Our shoots for service program is something that we started pretty soon after we founded the company based on a need and noticing that there was charities and nonprofit organizations out there that needed assistance marketing their services or their organization and that maybe the Dallas drone services that we provide could help them do that. But maybe this nonprofits, they don’t have the budget to do so but they really need that exposure and media to put online and to put on their social media to help interact with their followers.
Gretchen: The way it works is that a nonprofit goes to our website and applies for the shoots for service program. If they are selected, we review all the applications and there’s a few things we base our judgment on, a couple of different criteria ranging from organization, the purpose of the organization, the strength of their mission, their outreach, number of people their outreaching to in the community and a few other factors. From there we choose a organization that we can work with to create media for.
Thomas: And their financial standing too, if it’s a– the American Red Cross probably has the funding available to pay for Dallas drone services or that kind of thing but maybe a smaller church that’s doing an outreach project in the community that they want some coverage for, or something like that that they want to do and they just don’t have the budget to pay for and we’d rather them spend the money helping the community or helping the people that they’re targeting to help. We provide those Dallas drone services free of cost.
We come out and shoot all the media and then professionally edit it to the same standards and quality that we do for all of our paid work. Same equipment, same everything really, it’s just free. That’s something that we like to do to give back to the community and help those out that are helping others.
Gretchen: This all got started because Thomas and I both participated throughout college, throughout high school in a number of organizations. We’ve been on that side where fundraising is hard, and if we could pair up with someone who is willing to help and do a pro bono media video for us, we would’ve been ecstatic. We really understand how it feels to be in that situation. We love to be able to give back and really help those folks out.
Thomas: Yes, that’s exactly right. In a lot of those organizations, they are spending every penny that they earn or they raise. They’re putting it right back into the communities and money almost never goes in their pocket but it– very rare that there’s enough money left over to help them promote themselves in the future and then just trying to make that event successful. We want to help them by providing
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Dallas drone videos and photography and normal still photography on the ground to help them reach their goals and help serve the communities.
Gretchen: It can even be something really simple. Maybe they need some photos for their website or quick intro video for– good explanation of what their mission is and what they actually do. We did a few Drone shots for a Fire Department, the Keller Fire Department.
Thomas: Yes, we did. They were a guest at an open house that we are sponsoring. We did that for them and we’ve reached out to them offering to do some more promotional stuff for their fire department. I think we’re supposed to go out there when they do their next live burn training and do some videos. Not only to help them with their training but also to promote themselves as a fire department where we put together a video, Dallas drone video that they can put out there on their social media, on their website to help attract people to apply to their fire department.
Gretchen: We’ve also done some work for the shooting photos at the Farmers Market in Downtown Dallas.
Thomas: Yes, we did that a couple of weeks ago, and help that organization out. The Farmers Market is a great group of local farmers and crafters and artists that try to get the community away from the big-box retailers and provide a great product. Organic, and all of that kind of stuff to the local high population density people that live in the middle of the cities.
Gretchen: We’re continually looking for more opportunities to help other folks.
Thomas: Yes, we are. It really can range from school organizations or religious organizations or really, I don’t know, any nonprofit or– It does not have to be associated with the church or with a bigger organization. It can be really anything Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America that’s– Really, any organization, public service entities, especially volunteer fire department, volunteer EMS services and smaller town public safety departments.
Gretchen: Yes. No organization is too small. We understand everyone needs media and it’s not always easy to come by. Equipments are expensive but we’ve got it all here, we’re happy to help. We’d love for any organizations interested, to go check us out at fullpackagemedia.com. Check out some of our work and we’re willing to work with you to put together a customs shot list and really design a shoot that’s going to meet your needs and best explain your mission to the community.
Thomas: Yes, that’s exactly right. We want the Dallas drone footage and final product that we provide to be exactly what you want it to be. We don’t want it to be something that we envision. We want it to promote your vision and promote the goals of your organization and whatever that is as long as it’s conveyed to us then we’re most likely to produce something that’s going to help you meet those goals.
But the Dallas Drone services that we provide, really I think a big– sometimes companies do this and they don’t provide the same quality or the same level of attention to these organizations that they provide stuff, outreach type stuff. We harp
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on that, that it doesn’t matter that it’s for free. It’s something that’s important to us as a company and as individuals. We give it our utmost attention. That’s a lot of times we personally shoot those events, and we really almost go more above and beyond for those Dallas drone shoots more so, even then our regular and routine, real estate or commercial shoots.
Gretchen: Right, again we offer full services, so any editing that you need is covered. Any special effects, that’s all covered in the free program and there’s no cost.
Thomas: Yes, that’s right. Don’t come to us to try to make a full production movie though because I don’t know if that’s possible. But we can provide media for you, and we’ll take everything. We’ll take the raw footage and edit it together and add music or add video testimonials of maybe some of your members and your organization or members of the community that you have helped serve, and in whatever aspect that might be. We can add those free videos and then things like voiceovers or really anything that you want to add to help brand your organization and demonstrate your mission to the community.
Gretchen: Yes, our dedication to the community is equal to yours. You’re dedicated, and we enjoyed that. We love people like you and we really respect you, for the dedication you have to the community. We’re willing to reward you with our shoot for service program. Again, just go on to fullpackagemedia.com to apply. We accept any size of organization. Again, we’re going to sift through those applications as we can afford to do these shoots, we’ll choose our winners and reach out to you.
Create that customs shot list, create that custom list of videos and media needs to really serve your organization. Again, our turnaround time is quick. You’ll have it within a week. You’ll be using that media as much as you can. Thanks again. Once again, check us out on fullpackagemedia.com or give us a call at 972-885-8823. Thank you.
[00:10:09] [END OF AUDIO]
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